Tuesday, July 17, 2012

20120717 Make believe-broken leg

20120717 Make believe-broken leg

Johnny was a 10 year old boy with huge dreams! He wanted to be a famous NFL player for the Jets. One day Johnny was walking home and he heard someone calling his name. Johnny didn't see anything when he turned around so when he turned back around to start walking,there it was,saying his name. It was a monster!!! Johnny went running and fell over a huge rock! He was crying and upset. He had broken his leg! Johnny fainted. When he woke up he wasn't anywhere his ever been before. The room was huge and looked like a hospital room,but something was defiantly wrong. Then the nurse came in. Johnny was shocked at what he was staring out. Another monster! She was very nice and helpful. Then the monster that had put Johnny in all of this came in. He said how is name is Max and he wanted to be friends. Johnny thought it would be really cool to have a monster as a friend. Once Johnny got use to his crutches, Max took him to show him around his village. Johnny was amazed at all the different but cool looking monsters. Once Johnny started getting tired Max carried him home. They were best friends and once Johnny's leg got better, they did so much activities!!! Everyone in Max's world loved Johnny and Johnny could go there whenever he felt like it. Max lived in a black hole under Johnny's bed. There never apart.

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