Wednesday, July 11, 2012


20120711 memories birthday Jaime

A memory I remember from my first day ends whenever I had a dog themed birthday. I remember we had to eat bones, play games with leashes, and eat a really cool cake. In the beginning of the birthday party I busted my chin. I didn't notice until one of my friends said something. I still have a scar from it. it was probably one of my favorite birthday parties.
The next birthday party I remember is the last one I had. It was carnival themed and my friends mom came to help out. There were so many games such as a pie throw, balloon popping, and a balancing game. Many of my friends showed up which made me happy. That year I got two pillow pets which were a zebra and a panda. I still have and enjoy them.
The last birthday party I remember was at Costello pool. It had a luau and Lelo and stitch theme. Before we went swimming it started to rain, but we still had fun because we pretended to sled on little foam floats they were slippery because of the wetness. I really enjoyed all my birthday parties.


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